
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let's get right down to business, shall we?

Last night I discovered that Gabe's hair is long enough for a mohawk.

I've started several posts in my head over the last couple of weeks, but that's as far as they get. And now that I'm sitting here in front of my computer, I don't remember much of what I wanted to say. Which of course means I can claim that it was all brilliant, ground-breaking, really insightful stuff.  But I'm sure that really it was just mostly about Gabe. Like this for example:

Gabe's 6 month picture (which I took at the 6 1/2 month mark...details, details). I like the picture so much I made it EXTRA LARGE. Gabe's finally big enough for the Totten University onesie - wahoo!

A few fun facts about Gabe at 6 months:

At his well baby checkup appt he was 16 lbs 7 oz (35%) and 26.25" in length (50%). I'm amazed that he's only 35% for weight because (as you can see) he's got some good healthy baby chub on him. I asked the doctor what the 50% for weight would be and he said it's only about a pound more (17.5 lbs). Interesting.

Over the past several weeks we've gotten back into a good bedtime/sleeping routine - he typically goes down easily around 8 p.m. and usually sleeps until around 5 or 6 a.m. We are amazed sometimes at how active and smiley and playful and wired he can be right before bedtime and yet still (usually) go down with a minimum of fuss.

We have had a few grumpy baby episodes, and I keep expecting to see teeth show up to provide an explanation...but nothing so far.

Gabe loves, and I mean LOVES, his daddy. For example, Bret had picked Gabe up from mom's today so I could work a bit later. When I got home, Gabe was happy to see me and all, but when Bret handed him off to me Gabe IGNORED me and stared after Bret at the bedroom door for a good 45 seconds. Now, to be fair, there are times Bret has felt slighted because he'll be holding Gabe and Gabe will be more focused on me than Bret. I have a theory that Gabe is smart enough to have figured out that he can feel one parent holding him so that's why he keeps his eyes on the other. Of course, I also think my child is capable of winning a Nobel Peace Prize, an Olympic Gold Medal, and the Scripps National Spelling Bee, so of course I attribute his behavior to brilliance. My other explanation for his behavior is that he's far-sighted and can't actually see the parent holding him, so he looks at the one further away. So obviously, I like the "he's brilliant" answer better.

Love this picture. Love my boys. I need to find a better word, too, because "love" just doesn't say enough. I need a bigger superlative.

In other news, I got a new laptop today from work. It's got Windows 7 and Office 2007 on it. Everything is fluffy looking and I can't find all my old favorite shortcuts. And yes I realize that complaining about not liking my new computer is incredibly ungrateful. That's why I only intend to feel grumpy about having to learn a new system for another day. I promise.

And because now I feel like a cranky lady who doesn't like change, I think it's time for another picture of Gabe, who has been a major life change and one which I am not at all cranky about.  Take that, Microsoft!  It's not change I am annoyed at, it's just you and your fluffy-looking updated systems!

Gabe + Fuzzy Sleeper = Even More Huggable Than Usual, As Surprising As That Might Be.

Lastly, I'll leave you with this, which I'm pretty sure qualifies as What's Cool On The Internet, but Paul will have to be the judge of that.


HalversSon said...

I'm working on a hair post too! (not about Gabe though)

When reading this post, I felt like you were playing that one game where you tell me places on a map and when I draw a line from place to place it spells a word: "Gabe"

Although the video would certainly be "What's Cool on YouTube?" ... it doesn't qualify for "What's Cool on the Internet?" (However, continue to submit your suggestions to

Cheryl said...

I wish I were clever enough to have embedded a secret game in this post, but really I'm just a scattered thinker. However, your comment may inspire me to do something clever in a future post, so keep your eyes peeled (which is a gross saying, if you think about it).

Ya know, I did have the fleeting thought that that YouTube video might not be a qualifier. It's still pretty nifty though. I heard it on the radio and thought it was funny enough to pass on to others via post. Maybe I should start a feature called "What's Cool in Real Life that People Make YouTube Videos of." But that would be 75% of YouTube, so that's probably not a very good idea.

I feel like I'm writing you an email. Strange that I'm posting it as a blog comment. Laura and I had a conversation about Zumba a while ago in the comments section of a post. Does this mean I now want everyone to see my every conversation as well as actual posts? Hmmmm

Jane Regala said...

Love the pictures of Gade. Is he staying with your mom? Can I babysit him. I think I want a baby to watch 3 days a week when school starts next September. Do you know of any? I'm going to have to come over soon and visit that little guy...maybe you will be home and I can see you also.