
Sunday, May 30, 2010


Gabe is the recipient of two new blankets!

This one is from my mom - it's soft and cozy and I love it for snuggling both Gabe and I into during his 5:30 AM bottle.

This one is from Juliann - she makes super cute, super hip baby blankets and I was so excited she made one for Gabe! 

Jul and I got to visit recently and it was so fun to catch up for a bit! I got to meet her daughter, Lucy, and see her baby belly which currently contains daughter #2, due in August. Jul and I have known each other since the third grade in Mr. Clingen's class. Mr. Clingen read Where the Red Fern Grows out loud to the class and I do believe that even the boys were a bit teary-eyed at the end. If you haven't read it, please do. It's such a good story! Makes my top ten books of all time list. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is also on that list. As is the Bible. And, let's be honest, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. Is it sacrilegious to have the Bible on the same list as Twilight?

(Please note that though this post may lead you to believe otherwise, we do actually dress Gabe in more than a diaper from time to time.)


Laura said...

If I had such snuggly blankets I wouldn't get dressed either....erm, uh....

Jane Regala said...

Man, he is so cute. He is just so happy! Love the blankies. He looks very happy with them. Hope you are having a nice long weekend.

Juliann said...

Gabe, if your diaper leaks on that blanket, I'm taking it back. . . Just kidding. Wet it, snot it, drag it through the dirt and mud and through life. That's what its for! One day you can snuggle with it when your mom reads weepy books about dying coondogs to you at bedtime.

It was so fun to catch up. And I want to confirm for everyone that hasn't yet met Gabe in person, he is as perfect and charming as his mother claims him to be.