
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


On Sunday I asked Bret what he wanted to eat for Father's Day dinner.  His response: "meatballs...wrapped in bacon".  It sounded like a rather heart-clogging choice to me, but since it was Father's Day I decided to oblige him.  I also decided to Google it to see if I could find a recipe rather than just guessing at cooking times, etc...and this is when I discovered that bacon wrapped meatballs have a name:  "moinks" (as in moo + oink).  Only, ours were technically "gobbloinks" since I used ground turkey to make the meatballs.

Anyway - I found out yesterday that while I was making Bret moinks, my sister Laura was making my dad "scalloinks" (i.e. bacon wrapped scallops), presented to look like a bouquet of roses.  Talk about creative!  It put my moink presentation to shame!  Also, while browsing moink recipes, I found one for bacon wrapped asparagus that I think I might try soon.  Asparoinks?  Hmm.

For Father's Day, we (ok, let's be honest...*I*...Gabe, while enthusiastic about helping open presents, is not yet a big help in the way of coming up with gift ideas) got Bret a fun new picture frame and a book from, where you send them a picture of someone and they insert the person's head into illustrations of a story.  We (ok, *I*) chose the story "My SuperDad".


Bret said it was "cool but kinda creepy" to see himself in a book like that.  Gabe thought it was pretty cool too, until he remembered that there was wrapping paper to be played with that he was neglecting.  I am now wondering how I'm going to top this gift next year.  Wonder if there's a tie out there that would elicit a response of "cool but kinda creepy"??