
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Smarter the Second Time

After weeks of craning his neck, arching his back, r-e-a-c-h-i-n-g for things that he wanted....Gabe finally figured out how to get over his shoulder and roll over from his back to his tummy on Sunday morning!

I was smarter this time around and I went and got my camera right away to try to capture the event (last time he revealed his rolling skills it took me a while to get it on film).

Also based on my last experience with Gabe learning to roll, I assumed that he would share this new trick with us and then refuse further demonstrations. But, according to my mom, Gabe was a rolling maniac yesterday and even today (well - that sounds a little about: he was a rolling enthusiast - there, that's better).

We shall see what the rest of the week holds!

(Please note, you may want to turn your computer volume down before watching this video. Like a good little mommy I cheer Gabe's accomplishment. And since I'm holding the camera, the microphone picks it up and it's really loud. Plus my voice sounds funny. And Bret's mouth, which you can see in the video, is open. So it looks like he's making the noise but really it's me. And the whole experience is just strange. But Gabe makes a cute noise at the end. So turn your volume on just loud enough to enjoy a little Gabe noise but just quietly enough so that I don't yell in your ear. And good luck finding that magic balance between the two without hurting your eardrums!)

1 comment:

Jane Regala said...

Oh, that is so cute. I love his little noise at the end. I think I got my volume adjusted just right.