My cousin Rachel's baby shower is coming up, and I thought it'd be fun to try my hand at making a diaper cake. I recently saw one, and my first thought was "I could make one of those". And strangely, the thought came to me in my mom's voice. Kinda like how when someone asks me how to spell something, or the meaning of a word, I hear my mom's voice say "Sound it out" or "Look it up" a split second before I usually find myself saying those same words aloud.
So I did a little research to find out if there was a special technique or some secret I needed to know (there's not) and voila, ended up with this:
And since I'm shamelessly tooting my own horn here, I will also share that I made that "I love my dog" pacifier holder. Oh that's right. Made it. I'd gotten the green one with the bones & paws on it off of Etsy, and then was in JoAnn Fabrics and saw the "I love my dog" ribbon. Again, the thought came to me in my mom's voice "you could make another pacifer holder for Rachel out of that ribbon"...
The good news is that I'm not talking back to my mom's voice in my head (yet).
That is so cute! What a good idea, I love the ribbon. Isn't there a line from a movie, or maybe a Nora Robert's book like, "Your the voice in my head telling me to blah blah blah" Where's that from girl?
Love it, it's like a sneak peek!!
Thank you for not showing the "other" things attached to the diaper cake!!!
And thanks again for the really cool, ingenious gift!
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