
Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I found these as I was uploading pictures from my camera to my computer.  Looks like Grandma & Grandpa hijacked my camera for some candids last Friday:

The thing that made me second-happiest about finding these pictures (because, of course, what made me the most happy was finding fun pics of Gabe with my folks) was that I am not the only one who has trouble getting the camera and Gabe to cooperate at the same time, as evidenced by:

I ask again:  what did parents (especially first time parents) DO before digital cameras?  I shudder to think of what my investment would have been in film development, had Gabe been born a mere 6 years ago (before I got my first digital camera). 

Perhaps this is the true reason Bret and I didn't meet until we were 30:  so that I could save money by not having to develop tons of film.  Yet another question to pose to God.  Bret also wants to ask him why the need for eating, going to the bathroom, and sleeping; three activities that Bret says he could gladly do without.  I always find this incredibly amusing, whenever the topic has come up.  Something about picturing Bret, in the presence of GOD, asking about why we have to go to the bathroom...makes me want to giggle every time.


Jane Regala said...

When I see that little face I just go crazy! How is he so cute? I mean I know you both are super good looking, but really, look at his little face? Those eyes are amazing. And I love the shape of his head. I wish I could see him...

Cheryl said...

Ok Jane, that comment made me laugh/snort out loud.

Laura said...

I think I should censor my comment so remind me to tell it to you when you're over tomorrow. :)