There are at least three events over the last few months that I want to post about but feel like it's a daunting task due to lots of pictures and lots of words (c'mon, do you really think I could post
without lots of words?). So maybe soon you'll hear about the Mercer Island Half Marathon that Bret and his mom ran in March...Papa T's 60th birthday celebration in early April...and Bret's 36th birthday celebration in late April.
But until then, here are a few other snippets and cute pictures I found:
A visit to see Auntie Sara in the hospital in February. Sara had a kidney stone and ended up in the hospital to have it removed. We brought the Gabester for a surprise visit and a distraction from the pain. Timing must run in the family because in early May, Bret had a kidney stone (his second...the first was 7 years ago) and went to the ER three times in two days to get the pain under control. They decided to let Bret pass the stone on his own...thankfully it only took about a week, but MAN what a long week! I've heard that a kidney stone might be the closest a man can get to experiencing pain that's remotely similar to childbirth...I told Bret that I felt sorry for him because at least after I experienced all that pain, I got Gabe out of the deal...Bret only got a jagged rock. |
Relaxing with a good (tasting) book. Gabe prefers to eat them rather than read them. |
Aunt Laura: "Yup, my book's pretty's yours?"
Gabe: "I'm on the last chapter (eating the tag), but I have to say that I'm disappointed with the author's over-indulgent use of imagery and alliteration...and this tag tastes like dried spit from the last time I chewed on it."
Playing with Grandma's reading glasses. Yet another example of an item that's cute on a kid but not as cute on an adult (sorry Mom, I think you're adorable and all - but I have never looked at you while you're wearing your reading glasses and wanted to exclaim "Ohhh, cute!!"). Overalls are another item that are cute on kids but not adults. At least not this adult. It's a shame, too, because they're so comfortable!
Out to dinner for Laura's 25th and Christina's 21st birthdays. We went to a really nice French restaurant in downtown Seattle and Mom's menu caught fire from the candle on the table. Yes, caught fire. Laura had the presence of mind to put her cloth napkin over the flame to smother it, and we all tried to act very nonchalant and inconspicous while the smell of burnt paper wafted through the restaurant. After the excitement, Laura and I noticed that Mom was sitting directly under a sprinkler head on the ceiling. Close call! |
So, what was I saying about not being able to post without a lot of words? Even the caption option couldn't discourage me!
Whose the kid on the end? He looks just like you guys, it he a cousin?
Once again, he looks so cute. Love the one of him and Laura. I can't even imagine the poor things you guys are making that kid do. Does Bret know? I need to hear more about setting the restaurant on fire. Did you have a picture of that?
That's Eric, Christina's boyfriend.
That one of Gabe and Laura totally wasn't posed (at least on Gabe's part) was before he could sit up on his own and he ended up slouched down with one leg up on the boppy pillow, looking like he was really relaxed reading his book.
Yeah Jane, I always read with that look on my face and one leg propped up on whatever I can find...
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