
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not a fan of the green bean.

Yesterday we decided that carrots had passed the test and so we moved on to green beans.

Ever so trusting, Gabe allowed us the first bite.  After all, he liked the why shouldn't he expect good things at mealtime?

I believe this is where he started to realize something was amiss.

He then considers the situation:

"Seriously Mom?  This is what you're planning on feeding me for the next week?"

"I don't think so."

And true to his word (whining/crying), today's feedings were met with much whimpering and lips zipped tightly shut.  It's really a shame because it's highly likely he'll be eating green beans a LOT in the future (both Bret and I like them and they are a dinner vegetable regular).

I did get one good picture, taken yesterday after the first fateful bean feeding...probably because he didn't realize that green beans would be on the menu again today (and tomorrow, and the day after...).  Poor kid.  Maybe he'll get lucky and the next couple of days will reveal an allergy to green beans!   


Mandy said...

Um ... his hair is SOOOOO LONG! He can't be growing up this fast ... not yet!

Jane Regala said...

He is so cute! I love the hair. You should mix the green beans in with some carrots and maybe it wont be so traumatic for him. Poor kid.

Cheryl said...

I tried the carrot/bean mixing trick but he caught on quickly. Today we tried hiding a TINY bit of green beans in a BIG bite of rice cereal...the length's we're going to, I tell ya!