
Monday, March 1, 2010

Evolution of an Eater

He spent the meal grabbing at our hands when we'd give him a bite, the same way he grabs at his bottle. He wants it, but he doesn't understand that he'd get it faster if he'd keep his hands out of the way. So we ended up with a significant amount of rice cereal on his hands and bib.

Can't wait until we give him veggies...the smiles and accompanying mess should be quite amusing!


Jane Regala said...

That is so cute. The look of confusion and then the look of joy! He looks like he's going to be a great eater!

Mandy said...

That last picture is so precious. Love the lighting and the reflection of light in his eyes!!

The Barbers said...

I have a similar series from Alex's first cereal. However, Alex's checks were huge!!