
Friday, March 19, 2010

Tooting My Own Horn

Did all the air whoosh away from around you when you arrived at this post?  It should have...from wherever you are on over to me to fill my head that just keeps getting bigger every time I look at the project I just finished.

You see, I try to be crafty, but often feel like I fall short.  Projects are only somewhat creative, glue spots on homemade cards are sometimes visible, and sewn seams are often not straight.

But this one, I'm so proud of I'm glowing.  And I keep thinking of ways to bring up the project in conversation.  "Oh, you already got your Census form in the mail?  What a coincidence, because I just finished this ribboned mini-blankie that turned out really cool...let me show you a picture!"  And then instead of whipping out pictures of my kid, I will pull out one of those accordian wallet inserts full of pictures of the blankie.

It's a gift for a friend of mine who just had a sweet baby boy.  They decorated his room in a monkey theme, so when I found this fabric at Joann's I thought it too cute to pass up.  And then I went a little crazy finding fun patterned and textured ribbons to match.  Here's the front (and because I'm being so proud of myself, I made the pictures EXTRA LARGE):

And the back:

What's that?  You want to see another view?  Okay...

What??  You want to see ANOTHER one??  Well twist my arm...

Okay, I'm done now, I promise.  But don't be surprised if you see another picture again in a totally unrelated post.  I might need to show it off just a little bit more.

1 comment:

Jane Regala said...

that is super cute. i still have the twisty blankie you made for Jackson. I love all those ribbons. Next time but a picture with Gade in there.