
Saturday, March 6, 2010


Nope, not a journey that I've been on or am embarking on. I mean THE Journey. You know, 80's power rock? That's the one.

Gabe likes Journey. I think (know) I am to thank (blame) for this. When he was a few weeks old and having a crying spell, I reached into the recesses of my mind for a song to soothe him and out came "Faithfully" by Journey.

That's right. Given the infinite number of song choices available, I chose...Journey.

It's just that Journey songs are so singable.

I don't recall which one of my sisters (or me?) is the originator, but years ago we started belting out Journey tunes in the car. There's nothing quite like a sister (or two), a turned-up stereo, an understanding that there will be sharing of air guitar solos, and singing at the top of your lungs.

After a recent fussy-Gabe-Journey-singing event, I've had a few of their songs stuck in my head. And, I was reminded of this:

Awhile ago Laura was over and showed me a remake of the Separate Ways video that someone had put on YouTube. I had no idea that people actually did this. But in trying to find it again today, I came across A LOT of videos people have done. It blows my mind.

Do you have 9 minutes and 5 seconds? I know it sounds like a big investment of time to spend on Journey, but I promise you, it's worth it. First you have to watch the original video by Journey, and then the remake. I am willing* to bet big money that you smile at least once, and I'm actually pretty confident you will smile quite a bit, laugh/guffaw out loud a handful of times, and possibly even make a snorting/choking sound. I wish I was there to hear it.

Enjoy the Journey!

*Please note that I said I am "willing" to bet. My conscience will not let me actually wager on responses to Journey videos.**

**Paul, the employment of asterisks is for you.***

***I like it so much that I feel like I might start doing it a lot in blog posts.****

****It's possible you've created a monster.


Jane Regala said...

Wow, I don't feel so bad about my pictures in the high school year book anymore. Imagine having a music video of yourself? This reminds me of me, Sarah and Jennifer watching as much mtv as we could before my mom got home from work. She didn't care for that channel. I always loved Joe Perry's clothes and his singing expressions. I think Gade picked an excellent music group. He's so smart!

Cheryl said...

My mom had MTV specefically blocked, and we had to beg her to unblock it.

Do you mean Joe Perry (Aerosmith guitarist) or Steve Perry (lead singer of Journey)? I used to have a crush on Joe Perry from Aerosmith. Strange.

And, who is Gade? Is he another rock star? The last winner of American Idol? A Nobel Prize winner? ;)

Jane Regala said...

Oh dear. I guess that is why I don't have a blog. You know Gade, your son? Duh!