This evening he did something so impressive that even I, who am predisposed to thinking all he does is brilliant just by virtue of the fact that he's the one doing it, was amazed.
He peed on his own head.
A few weeks ago Gabe discovered his feet. So tonight while I was letting him have some naked baby time, I decided to try to get some pictures of him playing with his feet.
Mission accomplished:

And because I was in 'taking pictures mode', there was a brief moment of confusion when I looked back at Gabe's face after checking the camera display to see if any of the closeups had turned out, and saw droplets hitting his hair. I figured out where they were coming from and I'm proud to say that, even though I hated Geometry (My contention is that Geometry is not "real" math. It's not logical like the rest of math...where based on simple counting skills you can figure out answers to problems. No, with Geometry you're supposed to pull rules out of thin air about angles and lines and magically come up with the right answer about why something is the way it is.), even though I hated Geometry, it only took me about a half second to deduce that the angle of said droplet stream was quickly declining and was only moments away from ending up in Gabe's eyes. So I stuck my hand over his face and waited until he was done christening himself.
While I was cleaning him up I noticed a puddle of pee in his ear.
Seriously - this kid is amazing!
What a good mom you are protecting Gabe from his own pee! Good job!
I can't stop laughing to tell you how precious the pictures are.
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