
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Because Bret told me last week that...

...he was having a bad day at work and checked our blog to look at pictures, but was disappointed that I hadn't posted anything new in a month.

So Babe, this post is for you:

Gabe showing off one of his "houses"

Our smiley 4 month old, growing up so fast!

Long-arm shot from Christmas Day.  I like this one
because the shirt you got me brings out my eyes.
Good job on the Christmas shopping!

But I think I like this one better because:
a) my head doesn't look so huge, and
b) you have a snowflake coming out of your head

Gabe diggin' his new Cars t-shirt. 

Damage to the roof after the New Year's Day windstorm, which you spent your holiday off work fixing.

So there you time you have a bad day and come here looking for a boost to your spirits, remember that you have:

- an endlessly entertaining toddler who thinks you're the coolest thing ever

- a wife who laughs at your jokes (usually), doesn't mind losing ping pong games to you (sort of), and who thinks you're the bees knees (always!)

- an adorable baby girl who one day soon will consistently sleep through the night and stop spitting up (right????)

...and that you are the kind of guy who can fix his own roof after a windstorm.  Shazam!

Love you babe!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Oh dear. Did you get your roof fixed?
I can't believe how different she looks in those two pics. Did you alter it some way with your fancy photo tools? It's kind of strange to see you and Bret together like that. I thought this blog was just kid pics only.