
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Okay, seriously?

That post title is for Bret, who hates the sarcastic and oh-so-popular-right-now over-usage of "Seriously?" and "Really?"  The sad part is, I used to say them too but I've tried to stop now because I'm just that fabulous of a wife. 


The real reason for this post, and the title, is that this second round of pregnancy is out. of. control.  Take pretty much any pregnancy "thing" (except for morning sickness, because thankfully I didn't have that with Gabe and haven't this time either), and multiply it by seventeen thousand gazillion trillion, and that's how I feel.  Way more tired, way more sensitive to smell, way more picky about what I want to eat, and way way way way way more emotional.  For a girl that's all about feelings anyway, pregnancy is like having an emotion-amplifier implanted into your heart and not being told where the off button is located.  And for me, being happy or sad or sentimental or frustrated all ends up in the same outlet of expression:  tears.  Bret and I can both attest to the fact that this is both really funny and really annoying.

Here are some of the more ridiculous examples of recent emotional uprisings:

- A few weeks ago we decided to make a quick trip to Staples and Fred Meyer for a couple of things.  We're singing along to the radio and just minutes away from arriving at Staples, when suddenly ONE LINE of the song that I've just sung hits me like a ton of bricks and I am instantly crying.  Not just teary eyed, but full on hitch-in-my-throat crying.  Okay, seriously?  One line of a song is going to send me into tearful weepiness in half a second??  And then I'm both crying and laughing at myself for crying.  Poor Bret was just left sitting there not sure what to do because our fun little karaoke-fest just turned into falling-apart-pregnant-wife on him. 

- Sunday night I was watching TV before bed and flipping through the channels when I came across the end of Top Gun.  So I'm watching Iceman and Slider fighting the Migs and thinking about how they're repeating every line and wondering if pilots really do that in real life.  Then Maverick shows up to join the fight but can't get his head in the game because he's missing Goose and there's the scene where he stares at Goose's dogtags in his hand and says "Talk to me, Goose", and I tear up.     Okay .   .   .   Seriously??  Over Top Gun?  Well apparently, yes.

- Moments after the Top Gun Incident of March 2011, while I'm still snorting over the ridiculousness of what this baby is doing to me, I decide to turn to the news to distract myself.  They're talking about the first test flight of the new Boeing 747 Intercontinental that had happened that morning.  So whatever, that's interesting enough but no cause for the waterworks to start...or so I thought.  The newscasters are talking about how many orders have been placed and they're showing pictures of the pilots waving and Boeing executives shaking hands and then I hear "Hundreds came out to watch the historic event, including the press and many of the assembly line workers who've spent the past four years on the project" and then there's cheering and they show the plane lifting off.  And I tear up.


It's just that all those people have worked so hard and they probably felt such a sense of pride when they saw the flight, knowing that they were a part of that...and holy cow, we have the technology to FLY, to put a thing that big up in the air and it's unbelievable and incredible and aren't people and what they can come up with just so amazing?!?

...and I'm an idiot.  I was just looking around for a picture I could put of the plane into this post and I came across this video of the flight, and started tearing up all over again.  Sheesh. 

And I have another 5 months of this to go, people. 



Jane said...

Yikes. Have we made plans to get together yet? Because if we have maybe we should just reschedule. Are you crying? Are you crying now? Girl, remember that time we found the stray baby cat and nursed it back to life? And that other time we found that old lady and helped her back to her house. And her whole family was waiting for her because it was her 90th birthday party? And remember that time when that baby bird flew out of the nest for the first time? Are you crying?
Okay, I just made all that up. But are you crying?
This should cheer you up. I've always heard if you are super emotional during pregnancy you are having a girl!

Jane said...

By the way girl, just wait until you see the new Fancy Feast commercial with the little while fluffy kitty. You'll be bawling like a baby.

Cheryl said...

Weird - we just saw that commercial tonight during Survivor. Thank goodness the sound was down!

kimmary said...

HaHaHa! Cheryl, you are hilarious! Jane, you are almost as hilarious as Cheryl! (Disclaimer: this was NOT written under duress, but under advisement).

Hmmm, now that I've just typed "hilarious" twice it's making me wonder if Hilary Clinton's name is an aptonym because she certainly is a hilarious figure!

(P.S. I teared up towards the end of the Boeing video, but that's because the soundtrack was so inspiring...)
(Disclaimer: closing parenthesis courtesy the great and powerful Oz).