Hmm...a framed mirror, a granite (or granite-esque) countertop, a box of tissues on the counter...are we at a fancy spa?
(side note - yes, that is my finger in the picture. and yes, the picture is slightly blurry. my only defense is that the little screen on my cell phone does not reveal the same photo flaws as my computer.)
So as I was saying...are we at a fancy spa? No! We're in the family restroom at Kohl's in Snohomish! Before we had Gabe, I never knew what mysteries lay behind the restroom doors labelled "Family". Bret and I first ventured into a family restroom at Nordstrom while Christmas shopping a couple of months ago. It was nice and all, but Kohl's has them beat.

Not only was there an adult-size toilet, but there was a kid-size toilet.

And a baby changing station...and a fold out seat for restraining a toddler...and a vending machine that according to the display contained both feminine products and condoms. Apparently whoever planned this bathroom wants folks to stop and think "wait, there's room for a child on the little toilet, in the fold out seat, and on the baby changing station - I better get myself a condom and hold off on family expansion until one of those locations becomes available for another kid!"

Gabe and I enjoyed the Kohl's family restroom so much we spent 15 minutes in there hanging out and doing a photo session. Well - I enjoyed it, Gabe is just wondering when he can try out that snazzy little kid toilet. But really, it was fabulous. And yes, I did just use the word fabulous to describe a restroom. It never occurred to me pre-Gabe how ridiculous the placement of baby changing stations in regular restrooms can be. I was in a Starbucks recently in Lake Forest Park (oh that's right, I'm callin' you out on my blog Starbucks, take that!) where the changing station was in the narrow walkway directly between the door and the sink, smack dab in front of a stall door. Any poor unsuspecting soul who walked into the bathroom would have been immediately presented with a baby butt and they would have been trapped there, waiting for me to finish. Ridiculous.

But not in the family restroom. See how relaxed Gabe is, knowing that no stranger's eyes will happen upon his exposed rear end?

Good times.
please note: I am fully aware that an entire post about a restroom is strange.
Girl, I don't even know what to say to this. How long were you in the bathroom for? It does look really clean though. I wonder if you and Gabe were the first ones to use it? Did you carve your names in the door stall?
HAHAHAHA! That's pretty awesome! I know what you mean about not noticing them before having kids. Now I can spot them easily.
No kidding about the inconvenient changing tables! I've used a few of those before, too. So lame.
Jane's comment - "Did you carve your names in the door stall?" HAHHAHHA!!!
Side note - LOVE seeing pictures of you on here, too!! Post more!! (my 2 cents)
just wait...many of my conversations with my mom now consist of talking about poopy diapers or potty training. Bathroom blogs, are totally normal!
so, this is what's happening when we're waiting in line and the person in front of us takes forever :)
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