I love that the title of this post is "5k Run", something I wouldn't even be able to do were I not pregnant...
A couple weekends ago Bret, his mom, & his sisters participated in a 5k run in Kirkland: the Race for Fetal Hope. Before the race they had a moment of silence for kids that had been affected by fetal diseases. Holy cow it took about 2 seconds of them reading kids' names for me to be teared up. I mean really, that's emotional enough of a topic anyway, but add my own hyped-up-about-to-have-a-baby anxieties and there wasn't a chance I could think about those other kids with anything remotely resembling stoicism.
These are the Fab Four, posing at the starting line. Notice how the girls are all smiles but Bret apparently is already in race mode!

We were taking another group shot (below) and a gal from the organization asked if she could also get a picture for the publicity info. Nice!

I went along to cheer them on and take pictures...but my picture taking skills need a little work. I missed Sara completely! And I saw Bret coming from several hundred feet away...and tried to follow him in the camera screen to get a good close shot. But this is what happened instead:

I was better when Mary and Lisa came by:

Finally, I got a good picture of the Fab Four at the end:

And here's me and my big belly (apparently so big that Bret needs to help me hold it up!)
That's funny, I still don't see any pics of the baby's room. 40 weeks girl. Crazy. Hang in there....
Loved it! The picture of Bret's elbow cracked me up!!!! Thanks for posting your latest happenings. I LOVE reading about them.
(Still waiting for the phone call saying you're on your way to the hospital!! I'm SOOO excited!!!)
Finally a belly shot !! So cute. I can't wait to see baby boy Totten on here : )
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