
Friday, April 20, 2012

Easter Weekend

Saturday we went over to my folks' for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt (capitalizing it makes it sound so official - but it was actually 7 adults watching Gabe look for eggs and giving him advice:  "Look up!  Look in the plant!  Look by the tree!" and me yelling at people to get their legs outta my picture because they were ruining my shot.  Honestly it's like I think I'm some sort of photo journalist the way I run around manically trying to capture the moment.  But I'm pretty sure that looking through all these pictures will keep me entertained in my twilight years, so that's what everyone needs to telling you that you're ruining my picture today is actually buying you some peace and quiet when I'm looking at those pictures in future tomorrows.  ["future tomorrows"?  does that even make sense?])

And now for a few of those pictures:

My dad and Gabe watched a bit of the Masters and shared some
commentary between them of the action. 

(Really, Christina?  Even for a holy day like Easter - God's
day, no less - you can't give me a normal expression??)

(...guess not).

Incidentally, see that haze over the bottom half of the picture that adds character and mood to the photo?  Are you just so impressed right now with my photography skills?  Are you thinking about commenting on this post and asking me for some tips on taking photos?  Are you wondering to yourself why I don't start a section of this blog soley related to photography tips, like every other "mommy-blogger" out there who has bought herself a DSLR camera?
Well I will save you the trouble of having to ask me:  it was windy and my hair blew in front of the lens.
I'm pretty sure I'm about to quit my job and start a photography business.

I realized later that I didn't take a single picture of my mom that day.  But I did take a picture of the sad little group of eggs we dyed; strange.

 I hadn't planned to dye eggs this year because I thought Gabe might not be very interested in it.  But then I was the grocery store and saw an egg dying kit for 99 cents - right next to kits for $5...FIVE BUCKS! - so I went ahead and got it.  Two eggs into the process, Gabe wanted to go back outside.  (patting self on back for buying the cheap kit)

Abby's dress was cute AND tasty.

(Gabe - are those your legs in my picture frame??  Uh-oh kiddo...guess who just lost himself a day off senile-Mommy duty when I'm 85...)
Laura, Scott, legs?  LEGS!!

This is one of my favorite pictures taken from the day - Gabe was so animated
when he would discover an egg!

On Easter Sunday we did round two of egg hunting.

Gabe was delighted with the discovery on Saturday that he
not only got to play the game of searching for eggs, but that
they had stickers and candy inside.  By Sunday he was shaking
them when he found them, confirming that there was loot inside.
Oh how quickly they learn!

We got a hand-me-down sleeper from a friend that makes Abby look like an Easter Egg.  perfect!
Looking awfully protective of her treasure

This one is from the week after Easter...but since there's no telling when I
might do another post, I figured I'd add it here!


jane said...

Your kids are so freakin cute. Will you bring them over to me for a visit? I just want to hold her and chat with Gabe. I love his little squat to find eggs. And Abby is eating the egg, the pink one of course. How does she know pink is the better color? She is so smart already. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You didn't take a single picture of your dear mom that day? Are you serious?