
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Making Abby Laugh

These are just three of the 3,000,000 pictures I have of Bret making Abby laugh.

...and how many pictures do I have of me making Abby laugh, you ask?

That one. 

Ok, dramatic license.  I really do have more than just that one.  But that's one of the few that I halfway like of me and even in this one you can see my weird new hair growth coming in at my temples which is a result of the post-pregnancy hair mass-exodus that just now seems to be slowing down. 

And I just noticed that my thinning hair look matches Abby's.  Nice.

1 comment:

Jane said...

FINALLY! Love the pics of Abby. I wish there was one of Gabe and Abby together. It's just a little something I'd like to see. It is funny how your head look similar. Even the color looks the same. Emma and I were laughing about Gabe's name changing to gave and have on the phone. You should of considered this problem before naming him. Anyway, this is only supposed to be a short comment and I'm going on and on and on. Good job with the post girl. It's a good one.