Don't parents always say things like "Hard to believe so and so is (insert age here) old today!" ? Well, I'm one of the cliche'd masses because that's how I feel! Time has both flown by and crawled by (it crawls by in the wee hours of the morning when I want to go back to sleep and Gabe doesn't share that sentiment). I can so clearly remember many moments from the day he was born - I hope they all stay as clear in my mind in years to come but I'm not sure they will. Time usually fogs things over, it seems.
Here is Gabe on the day he was born:

And at one month old:

He's adorable!
This is terrific, guys, thanks for sharing.
One month already?! We're missing so much already ... ((sniffling)).
I love how little of a peanut he is, even after a month. Putting into perspective ... Caleb at 2 months (not 1 month) was 17 pounds. Yeah. HUGE. So ... I LOVE it that Gabe is so tiny and cute and so ... precious. Love that. I wonder how big he will be when we meet him for the first time?
My friend took monthly pictures next to a stuffed bear ( kind of like the one you sent out ). At 4 months, it's amazing to see the difference. I wish I would have done it!
Remember last week when you pulled Frances McDormand's name out of nowhere for Bret? Yeah, that first picture of Gabe looks just like her. Coincidence? Not a chance. Check it out:
I think it's the sleepy/soft eyes and slight dimpled smile.
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