
Monday, November 23, 2009


I have a confession.
My baby is five weeks old, and I've never given him a bath.


This is not to say that my child has never been bathed...just that I have never done it. Bathtime is Bret's specialty. I am the designated picture taker and towel holder/baby catcher/baby dry-er off-er.

Gabe loves bathtime with Daddy! Hopefully when I finally give him a bath, my skills won't pale too much in comparison!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Guy, Big Pants

Someday soon I'll do a post about something other than Gabe.


Until then, I'll leave you with this:

As of Monday, Gabe is 7 lbs 10 oz...and still too small for pretty much all of the 0-3 months size clothes we have.

...on second thought, why would I even think about doing a post about something other than Gabe when I have pictures like this to share??

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One Month!

Don't parents always say things like "Hard to believe so and so is (insert age here) old today!" ? Well, I'm one of the cliche'd masses because that's how I feel! Time has both flown by and crawled by (it crawls by in the wee hours of the morning when I want to go back to sleep and Gabe doesn't share that sentiment). I can so clearly remember many moments from the day he was born - I hope they all stay as clear in my mind in years to come but I'm not sure they will. Time usually fogs things over, it seems.

Here is Gabe on the day he was born:

And at one month old:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Worn Baby

Yesterday I bought a Moby Wrap (we've not had the best of luck yet with the ring sling I got at a consignment store before Gabe was born...hopefully it'll work better when he's older). The Moby Wrap is 5.5 meters of fabric (that's 18 feet, people (yes, I had to go to a measurement conversion website to figure that out)). The point is, it's a LOT of fabric. And it's sort of intimidating at first. I put Gabe in it and it was too loose, and he wasn't diggin' it. But then I re-tied it and tried it again, and he settled right in and went to sleep.This is a momentous day - I am simultaneously holding my child and typing with TWO HANDS! Wahoo!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We'd bought this costume, size 0-3 months, before Gabe was born. Little did we know that he'd be so small; his feet only reach to the knees of the costume!

Dear Gabriel

Dear Gabriel:

I need your advice! When is the best time to poop and/or spit up?


Timing Confused in Las Vegas

Hey Confused in Las Vegas!

Thanks for writing in! I think your question and confusion is shared by many babies worldwide, and I think there's been a lot of different and mis-leading direction in years past. Previously, Miss Manners or Dear Abby would have probably told you that the appropriate time to poop is just before your next meal, so your parents can give you a fresh diaper that will last through your meal and your nap afterwards. I completely disagree! Your parents will change your diaper before you eat so that you have a fresh and clean diaper for maximum meal enjoyment, which is great. However, I like to then poop in the middle of or just before the end of my meal so that my mom & dad are required to change my diaper again before my nap or my post-meal playtime. This shows my parents that I'm now in charge of their schedules, which I sure don't want them to forget any time soon!

As for the spitting up...the perfect time to spit up is whenever your parents have provided you with a clean burp rag because they think you're not going to spit up anymore. Again, this is a training technique to keep your parents aware that you are now the center of their universe.

Finally, my general advice on this topic is that if you're in doubt about whether it's a good time to poop and/or spit up, then just go ahead and do it. The result can only be attention, which is always a great thing!

Happy biological functioning!

- Gabriel