
Thursday, July 2, 2009

One for the Fans

Alright, totally self serving post title, but wouldn't it be nice if we all had a few fans? (not the stalker kind, just the really cool kind)

Before I post the required belly shot, look at this one first...this is from the Echo Falls golf club (where we got married) on Tuesday night, our 2nd wedding anniversary. Last year I had the snazzy idea that we should take a few pictures there on every anniversary. Bret is none-too-thrilled with my idea but begrudgingly plays along. My question is - how is just the two of us taking long arm shots for 5 minutes worse and more of a spectacle than him in a tux and me in a wedding dress with 20 family members milling about for 45 minutes in front of the falls??

And now that you've been lulled into a serene state of mind with the soothing falls that were the backdrop for that photo, I'll spring this one on you:
The location is a really cool tunnel at the golf club with ivy over the entrance. The bad part is, no sunglasses are needed. Seriously - who stole my eyes and replaced them with the kind accessorized by crow's feet?? I've noticed this increasingly in pictures over the past few years. I really think someone is stealing my eyes in the middle of the night and giving me ever older ones. Darn eye-gnomes. And worse, Bret does not have this affliction (or least he doesn't have it as bad as me)! I guess the good part is that I'd rather look at him in our pictures than at me!

And now, for the belly shot:

Ummmm, pose much, Cheryl? Ha! You can't really see much of the belly - but the setting is sure pretty!


Thomas and Lindsey said...

It's a great starting point picture : ) Very cute.
Thank you !! And Happy Anniversary

Laura said...

See, I was distracted by the crazy fly-away hairs and not the crow's feet. You've got to fight the battles you can win.

Oh man, I'm thinking I'm so funny, but I'm half worried that hormonal pregnant Cheryl is not going to find that comment humorous at all...

The Barbers said...

Love the anniversary tradition of returning to your wedding site for a photo. I hope you keep it going for many years!!

You are so darn cute with your hand on your belly.

Mandy said...

Oh my goodness! You are absolutely adorable! What a cute little pregnant belly you have. :) I can't wait to see you in September when you're little belly won't be so little anymore. ;)

hanks for posting these pictures ... especially for those of us that can't see you in person.