
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Class #1

Last night was our first baby class: "Labor and Birth Preparation". It meets for 2 hours, once a week, for five weeks.

For reasons not entirely known to me, I had a severe case of the giggles that revealed itself a couple times during class. Maybe it's because my emotions are, in general, running high. Maybe it was because of the awkwardness of 13 other couples sitting around the room in a u-shape, with no one talking. But mostly I think it was because it was a completely inappropriate venue for giggling, therefore I just wanted to laugh more. I remember once in college, Jane and I went to the library to study, and ended up laughing so hard we had to leave. And the only thing funny was that we were supposed to be in quiet, library-mode. Nothing funny actually happened to make us start or keep laughing...just the laughing itself.

So last night, after I stifle one of my first for-no-reason giggling fits before the class has even started, Bret leans over and says to me "I took a shower in my clothes after my run". And I'm off giggling all over again. Even now, I can't stop laughing thinking about it. He was so deadpan, and it was such a strange thing to say, and it took me completely by surprise. So when I could finally control myself, I whispered to him "you did what??" and he whispered back that it just seemed like a more efficient way to clean his running clothes and get another day out of them before throwing them in the wash.

My husband is so fabulously strange sometimes....he totally catches me off guard and completely makes me laugh - and I find myself smitten with him all over again, like when we were first dating and discovering things about each other and being delighted with the joy that this new person was bringing into our lives. How I love my kooky man!

1 comment:

Thomas and Lindsey said...

Mommy and I want to know.... where are the belly shots ?!! Your getting close now : )